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Department of Finance

Per Östberg receives SNSF Grant

Per Östberg receives SNF Grant for "Unintended consequences of the new regulatory paradigm: Real estate prices and financing the economy".

Project Owner: Per Östberg, Thomas Richter
Start date: 01.07.2024
End date: 30.06.2028
Funding Body: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)

Per Östberg, Associate Professor of Finance and Member of Directorate at the Department of Finance receives SNF Grant for "Unintended consequences of the new regulatory paradigm: Real estate prices and financing the economy"(link) together with Thomas Richter, Prof. Dr., ZHAW School of Management and Law, Department: Banking, Finance, Insurance.

Following the global financial crisis an abundance of regulatory measures was introduced to foster stability of the financial sector. The goal of this project is to identify and quantify some of the unintended consequences of these measures. The project will run until 2028.

To find out more about the project 

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Swiss National Science Foundation