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Department of Finance

SGF Conference 2025

Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research

The SGF Conference 2025 will be newly chaired by Prof. Alexander Wagner and organized by the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich.

Call for Papers

Prospective contributors are invited to submit papers on all topic areas of finance by October 31, 2024. The submission fee is CHF 50. The conference will also feature a dedicated Poster Session for Ph.D. students. Online paper submission will be possible as of September 2, 2024.

The Conference will take place

From the tower of the University of Zurich, you can look out over Lake Zurich all the way to the Swiss mountains. The UniTurm houses a restaurant with a unique atmosphere serving excellent food. (The restaurant is not open to the public.)


Friday, 4 April 2025


SIX ConventionPoint
Pfingstweidstrasse 110
8005 Zürich

Pre-Conference Dinner on Thursday (by invitation)

Rämistrasse 71
8006 Zürich




Track Chairs

Asset Pricing

  • Holger Kraft (Goethe University Frankfurt)
  • Tim Kroencke (University of Neuchatel)
  • Fabio Trojani (University of Geneva and SFI)
  • Andrea Vedolin (Boston University)

Corporate Finance & Governance

  • Rüdiger Fahlenbrach (EPFL and SFI)
  • Xavier Giroud (Columbia Business School)
  • Zacharias Sautner (University of Zurich and SFI)

Financial Intermediation and Institutions

  • Steven Ongena (University of Zurich and SFI)
  • Stefan Ruenzi (University of Mannheim)
  • Sascha Steffen (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)

Behavioral Finance & Household Finance

  • Sebastian Ebert (Heidelberg University)
  • Michaela Pagel (Columbia Business School)
  • Stefan Zeisberger (University of Zurich and Radboud University)

Financial Markets General

  • Douglas Cumming (Florida Atlantic University)
  • Albert Menkveld (VU Amsterdam)


Save the date and stay connected for more detailed information to come!



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